速報APP / 商業 / LEAIP Acuity

LEAIP Acuity



檔案大小:5.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.2 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


LEAIP Acuity(圖1)-速報App

LEAIP Acuity is a tool for prioritizing opportunities, actions, ideas, options, alternatives...

It has equally excellent application for groups or individuals.

LEAIP Acuity(圖2)-速報App

Users enter data for each opportunity on a Sticky and then position each Sticky relative to the other Stickies, depending on the relative benefit and ease of the item on the Sticky.

Stickies can be assigned to groups of related Stickies. With a click, the Stickies can be viewed with their assigned group's colour (various assignable colours)

LEAIP Acuity(圖3)-速報App

Applying the LEAIP template, Stickies end up in 1 of 4 benefit/effort quadrants. The Stickies can be viewed showing their quadrant classification's colour (green - best opportunities, yellow - complex opportunities, light green - filler opportunities, red - not for now).

Stickies are prioritized and presented in a LEAIP List. The LEAIP List calculates and displays the most potent sequence of groupings and items.

LEAIP Acuity(圖4)-速報App

Each session of LEAIP Acuity is stored and can be recalled and distributed.

LEAIP Acuity(圖5)-速報App
